
Cornwall Trip

As we dip briefly back into winter here are a few pictures to put you in a brighter frame of mind.

At the end of March a happy band of gardeners went down to Cornwall for a few days to enjoy the spring sunshine. The trip out to Tresco via helicopter was particularly enjoyed. These photos were sent in by Sue Oldfield who says the trip was excellent.

Winter Pruning in the Fruit Maze

These pictures are from a workday held at Combermere Abbey, Whitchurch (on the border of Shropshire and Cheshire) this January. The workday was for full hands on experience of pruning and thinning the espaliered fruit trees under the guidance of the Head Gardener.

The maze is unusual in being formed not from yew or beech hedging but from espaliers of apples and pears, forming passages of more than half a mile into the centre and back again.


The group had a very interesting day working on some of the 135 trees carrying out winter pruning to complement the summer pruning. They were fortunate with the weather and had a tour of the gardens following lunch in the restored glasshousde before resuming work. Member Bridget Zorn was the photographer on this occasion.