Last Sunday afternoon the Scottish members & supporters gathered at Portmore House Gardens to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of WRAGS. Annie Stewart ordered a cake and with Sue Kemp did some home-baking to provide everybody with refreshments.
“Thankfully the solid rain that had lasted all morning stopped just before we gathered. There were about 25 people who attended – a good mix of Garden Owners, Head Gardeners, past, present & future trainees, members, a local nursery owner & friends & family. The owner, Chrissie Reid & her Head Gardener, Ken Kennedy, greeted us & took everyone on a tour of the beautiful gardens. We had a brief shower during the tour, but by the time we got back to cut the cake & enjoy a welcome cup of tea & more cakes in the Bothy, the sun had come out.
It was the first time so many Scottish members had got together & all said how much they appreciated the opportunities to meet each other & share experiences. We also raised around £200 for the WFGA. Thank you to everybody who came.” – Annie Stewart.